Snore Experts Inc

4418 Vineland Ave #112

Toluca Lake, CA 91602

(818) 578-3500

snore experts inc


Call our office today


"We Treat the Tough Cases"

Jonathan Greenburg, DDS & Michael Tong, DDS
Exclusively Treating Sleep Apnea, Snoring, and CPAP Intolerance

Wow, it has been 4 months to build out our new Suite but we are finally here. Come in and say Hi. We hope you will like our new office.

It has all the latest technology for the most advanced sleep treatment anywhere, including:

  • A new CBCT unit which shows us your airway, mouth, nose and sinuses in 3 dimensions. If you haven’t seen what this machine can do, plan on being amazed.
  • Digital impressions. Yes, it replaces that gooey stuff we have used forever. And it is more accurate, meaning the appliances should fit even better.
  • And we are now able to provide treatment for Vivos. Vivos is a new and exciting treatment option for Sleep Apnea. If this is something you want to find out more about, call our office.

Thank you for being patient with us. We know we have had issues with our phones and much more. With this growth, we are short staff. (I know this is a common theme.) In fact if you know anyone looking to work in healthcare and is a warm, wonderful and caring person, have them call our office and speak to Veronica. Tell her you heard about it in the Newsletter here.

Again, thank you for your support and especially your patience. From our family to yours, Dr.s Greenburg and Tong.

Tonight, sleep like a baby with the rule of ’10-3-2-1-0′

If you have been struggling to sleep, we’re here to make things easier for you. Don’t worry, we are not going to suggest something difficult or cumbersome, all you need to do is follow a simple bedtime routine, also known as the ‘rule of 10-3-2-1-0’. But before moving ahead with that, let’s first understand the importance of sound sleep.

“Our biological clock, which controls the sleep-wake cycle, is disrupted due to our lifestyle choices resulting in poor quality sleep. But sleep is a restorative state which is essential for all neural, metabolic, and biological functions in our body, lack of which can cause several lifestyle disorders such as cardiovascular diseases, neurovascular diseases, autoimmune conditions, psychological disorders, and so on,” said Dr Narendra Shetty, chief wellness officer, Kshemavana.

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Funny Sleep Puns & Jokes

Some people have nightmares while some have just plain bizarre dreams. Whatever kind of dreamer you are, if you need funny sleep puns and jokes, you’ll never be caught napping again!

That’s because you couldn’t dream of better sleep puns than these. So enjoy them.

Sleep Science

Emmanuel Mignot wins Breakthrough Prize for discovering cause of narcolepsy

Emmanuel Mignot, MD, PhD, the Craig Reynolds Professor of Sleep Medicine, is the winner of a 2023 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences. He will share the $3 million prize with Masashi Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, of the University of Tsukuba for discovering the causes of narcolepsy and paving the way for new treatments for sleep disorders.

“I became interested in narcolepsy because I thought it was a key to understanding sleep..."

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Sleep Hacks

Volkswagen Gen Travel Concept Will Help You Sleep on the Go

We love a wild, futuristic concept car, and the Volkswagen Gen Travel is exactly that. Making its debut Friday, the Gen Travel is electric, autonomous and has a completely reconfigurable cabin that transforms seats into beds. It even has ambient lighting specifically designed to influence melatonin production. When's the last time a car actively tried to make you sleepy?

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The Best Products For Insomnia + How They Work To Improve Sleep

Prioritizing sleep is one of the healthiest things we can do, as everything from heart health to brain function can benefit from a good night's rest.

While there's no magic number for how much sleep we all need, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that adults get at least seven hours of shut-eye every day. The quality of your sleep is essential too, and you'll want to spend around 20% of your snooze in deep REM sleep, where most dreams occur, memories are consolidated, and the brain recharges.

Read more.

Snore Experts Customer Spotlight

Name: Jerry W.

Age: 54

Years of snoring: 6

Number of snoring products tried: 2

Experience: The oral device created by Snore Experts is light years ahead of the CPAP for me. Thank you Snore Experts!

Want to be featured in the Customer Spotlight?

Contact Us

Q & A

Our readers are invited to email us with their questions!

Q: Can my weight affect the quality of my sleep? (Andy K.)

Andy, yes. being overweight can fuel poor sleep because it promotes soft tissue development in your throat, which increases your risk for sleep apnea. The good news is studies also show that shedding excess weight can lead to significant and clinically relevant improvements in sleep apnea. Studies also show that losing sleep can itself lead directly to weight gain: It increases levels of ghrelin, the so-called hunger hormone, decreases leptin, the “satiety hormone,” and causes people to consume more snacks and high-calorie junk foods throughout the day.

This brings up an important factor that is often overlooked in how well people sleep: Their diet. We know from studies that diets high in sugar, saturated fat and simple carbs — think donuts, pizza, cheeseburgers and sugary drinks and snacks — are linked to both weight gain and poor sleep. Instead of eating junk foods, fill your plate with foods high in protein, fiber and unsaturated fat, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oil and avocados. These foods have been shown to promote good sleep. If you suffer from insomnia, then consider adding more complex carbs to your diet, such as beans, whole grains, sweet potatoes, quinoa and oatmeal. Studies show that eating complex carbs can help you fall asleep faster. But sugar, white bread, pastries and other processed carbs can cause more frequent wake-ups throughout the night.


Q: How does the temperature of my bedroom affect my sleep? (Betty W.)

Betty, for thousands of years, humans could count on one constant in their lives: Every single day the sun rises, and at night it falls. As a result, our bodies follow a 24-hour circadian rhythm that governs many of our metabolic and physiological processes, including our body temperatures, which rise in the morning and fall at night. This decrease in body temperature at night helps initiate sleep, which is one reason people tend to toss and turn when their bedrooms are too hot or humid. A higher body temperature makes it difficult to drift off, and it can disrupt the quality of your slumber, causing you to experience less slow-wave sleep, also known as deep sleep.

All in One Location
  • SleepTesting, CPAP/APAP, Dental Mouthpieces, Surgery, Laser Therapy, & More
  • Dr. Greenburg and Dr. Tong are 2 of the most prominent Sleep Doctors in the Country. When other doctors need treatment for their sleep apnea, why do you think they choose Snore Experts?
Proven Results:
  • Over 85% compliance with CPAP/APAP. Patented Dental appliance proven successful on even severe OSA.
Medicare Insurance Welcome:
  • Successfully treated thousands of patients.

Take Our 5-Patient Challenge

Refer to us your 5 patients who are suffering most from Sleep Apnea. You know the ones. They are obese, have Type 2 Diabetes, High blood pressure, of course they snore and more.

Let us prove to you why we can be successful with even these patients.

We are conveniently located at:


Phone: (818)-578 3500

Newsletter #22, Volume 2

We Treat the Tough Cases
We Treat the Tough Cases
Snore Experts
Snore Experts
Please Note: All information presented in Snore Expert's, The Way To Better Sleep Newsletter is for informational purposes only. It is not specific medical advice for any individual. Answers to reader questions are provided for informational purposes only. All information presented should not be construed as medical instruction. You should take no action solely on the basis of this publication’s contents. You are advised to consult a health professional about any issue regarding your health and well-being. While the information presented here is believed to be sensible and accurate based on the author’s best judgement, readers who fail to seek counsel from appropriate health professionals assume risk of any potential ill effects. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Snore Experts.