Snore Experts Inc

18372 Clark St. #224

Tarzana, CA 91356

(818) 578-3500

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Do You Have CPAP Machine Intolerance?

Call our office today

Do You Have CPAP Machine Intolerance?

If you have Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), you will be familiar with the CPAP machine. Short for Continuous Postive Airway Pressure machines, the CPAP was invented by an Australian doctor in 1980. They deliver lightly pressurised air through a mask that you will have to wear while you are sleeping.

The high pressure air will behave like a splint by keeping your upper airway open to prevent apnea. While it is the most standard method to treat OSA, it has been in use for the past 30 years without any change in the delivery of air. As a result of this, not every patient will benefit from using CPAP machines.

Many of the patients who have to use CPAP machines stop using them after a period of one to three weeks because it becomes an irritating inconvenience. By ceasing its use, however, the people who need it won’t receive the treatment necessary to alleviate sleep apnea.

What Is CPAP Machine Intolerance?

You may be experiencing CPAP machine intolerance if you are facing the following problems:

  • The mask feels uncomfortable

  • You feel claustrophobic

  • You’re experiencing irritation because you are allergic to latex products

  • The mask doesn’t fit your face properly

  • You find it difficult to sleep because of the restricted movement

  • Your partner is unable to sleep because of the noise generated by CPAP machine

Treatments for CPAP Machine Intolerance

Fortunately, due to significant innovations, you now have access to various treatment options that are proven to be effective in treating OSA. You no longer have to live with CPAP machine intolerance or the dangers of OSA. The most popular and widespread treatment option is oral appliance therapy.

Based on your specific needs, a customised appliance is designed to fit like a mouth guard or a retainer. By supporting the jaw and keeping it in a forward position, the upper airway will continue to remain open.

Within a couple of weeks, you will feel comfortable while sleeping with the appliance in your mouth. Also, the appliance is small enough to be carried around in a small bag or packet, making it easy to take with you on trips.

The other option available to you is surgery. While most surgical options have not been proven to be as effective as CPAP or oral appliance therapy, we would be happy to review these options with you.

If you have OSA and you are tired of using CPAP machines, speak to us about a change in treatment. You have access to a variety of options and each treatment can significantly improve your sleep, make you feel more alert, and improve your overall health.

Contact Our Office

If you have any questions about CPAP intolerance and the other options available to you, contact our office today. The Snore Experts will help you find relief so that you can sleep in peace.

Posted by abet on Jun 22nd, 2017 8:27 pm
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Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) is considered by many the gold standard for the treatment of sleep apnea, especially for very severe cases. The CPAP and APAP machines are designed to increase air pressure going through the throat. This prevents the airway from collapsing during inhalation. At Snore Experts, we have helped countless patients get a good night’s rest using CPAP treatments to treat their sleep apnea. The goal of positive airway pressure is to keep the airway from collapsing using air pressure.