Snore Experts Inc

18372 Clark St. #224

Tarzana, CA 91356

(818) 578-3500

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Snoring: A Simple Problem, An Important Solution

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Snore Experts Inc

Snoring: A Simple Problem, An Important Solution

Snoring loudly can affect the quality of your sleep and of those around you as well. Snoring can sometimes lead to poor health and is an indication of improper sleep-wake cycles. There are, however, effective solutions to treat snoring and they can help remedy the issue, making it easier for you and your partner to fall asleep.

What is Snoring?

Snoring happens when the air is unable to travel freely through the throat and nasal area while you’re sleeping. As the surrounding tissues vibrate, the snoring sound is produced. For people who have a free flowing stream of air that travels through the nose and throat, the tissues still vibrate but not so much to produce any sound.

An important factor that may increase snoring is the normal aging process. As a person ages, the throat muscles begin to relax and as a result, someone will begin to snore. Also, abnormalities in the throat and nasal region like tonsils, polyps, or nasal septum can cause snoring by making the throat more narrow. The onset of inflammation and allergies can also cause snoring.

Remedies to Stop Snoring

There are a number of easy remedies that someone can follow to reduce the occurrence of snoring by considerable amounts. If practiced, you can significantly improve your quality of sleep and the sleep of those around you.

1. Improve Lifestyle Practices

Lifestyle plays a large role in in the occurrence of snoring. Poor habits like smoking and alcohol consumption can lead to an increase in body fat. They can make you gain weight and lead to the deposition of fatty tissues on the cheek and neck. This will decrease the efficiency of airflow and cause snoring.

Losing weight is one of the best ways to treat snoring. Exercising improves the muscles’ ability to function properly and reduces excess fat. Committing to at least 30 mins of exercise a day can help fight the weight increase and keep you sleeping comfortably.

2. Bedtime Remedies

There are easy bedtime remedies that you can follow to help improve breathing. Rinsing sinuses with saline helps clear the nasal passage and will allow you to breath more clearly. If you have allergies from dust or mites, it is important to make sure you clear them out before going to bed. You can also use a humidifier to clean the air that you breathe.

Another great why to ease snoring is by changing your sleeping position once in a while. It can help you identify the best sleeping position where you don’t snore. It can also help the air pass smoothly through the air passage. Also, there are anti-snoring appliances available in the market that may prove to be highly beneficial in solving your snoring problem.

Lifestyle or Behavioral Changes

If your snoring is due to excess weight, alcohol consumption or sleep positioning, your doctor will ask you to try to make adjustments in your day to day lifestyle to find out if any of those factors are causing you to snore. Sometimes all it takes are a few minor adjustments, and if it works out, you can avoid more extensive solutions.

Improve the way You Sleep with a Nasal Surgery

In some cases, snoring will continue to happen even if you commit to following these tips. If this is the case, it may be time to consider a nasal surgery. Nasal surgeries are safe and effective procedures that can help you find relief from snoring.

Contact Our Office

Contact our office if you’re suffering from chronic snoring that is affecting your life and the lives of those around you. The snore experts will help solve your problems and make a good nights rest a possibility.

Posted by abet on Feb 24th, 2017 7:51 pm
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The Importance of Seeing a Snoring & Sleep Apnea Specialist

Research suggests that nearly 45 percent of all normal adults are likely to snore occasionally while 25 percent will be diagnosed as habitual snorers. Further, the problem of snoring has been found to be more common among males than females and also among overweight individuals and tends to become worse with increasing age.

Very few people know that snoring could be a symptom of a serious underlying problem such as obstructed breathing or sleep apnea. It is critical to see a specialist about the issue instead of ignoring it. If left alone for too long, it can lead to serious issues.

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that is known to briefly interrupt breathing during your sleep. The breathing gaps usually last between ten to twenty seconds and may occur several hundred times during the night. These pauses can affect the natural sleep rhythm of your body, meaning most of the time you spend sleeping isn’t relaxed or restorative.

Deep sleep is needed in order to feel mentally alert and energetic during your waking hours. Most people are unaware of the problem until a roommate or partner complains about the excessive snoring.

The snoring sound usually originates at the back of the mouth (uvula and soft palate). Snoring takes place when the uvula and soft palate impact each other, causing a vibration when you’re breathing. However, the efficient treatment of sleep apnea and snoring goes beyond focusing on that single area.

The causes of snoring and sleep apnea may vary from patient to patient. In order to understand your specific cause, you would need to consult a snoring and sleep apnea specialist to arrive at a personalized treatment plan that will help you find relief.

Diagnosis and Treatment

It is important that heavy snorers seek timely medical advice as this will help to ensure relief from sleep apnea. How do you define heavy snorers? These are people who tend to snore consistently in any sort of position. It may also disturb their roommate’s or partner’s sleep.

A detailed examination of the mouth, nose, palate, neck, and throat, as done by an otolaryngologist will help reveal whether the snoring is a result of an infection, nasal allergy, nasal obstruction, or simply an enlargement of adenoids and tonsils.

Treatment of obstructive sleep apnea varies depending on the cause and intensity. It is commonly treated with the help of a device that opens up the airway using a bit of positive pressure. A nasal mask is worn by the patient in order to receive this pressure. The treatment is called CPAP.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) is a surgical treatment for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. It is helpful in opening up the airway and it can remove tissue and/or remodel tissue in the throat. Thermal ablation techniques are helpful in reducing the bulk of tissue in the tongue base, nasal turbinates, and the soft palate and can treat both OSA and snoring.

Contact Our Office

If you have a problem with snoring and obtaining restful sleep, you may be experiencing early signs of something more serious. Contact the Snore Experts to learn more about your symptoms and the solutions available to you.

Posted by abet on Jan 20th, 2017 9:32 pm
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Custom-Fitting an Oral Appliance to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Fitting a custom-designed oral appliance is the most effective way to treat obstructive sleep apnea. A custom fit appliance will not only improve your sleep pattern, it will also make you more alert and revitalize your health.

Worn during sleep, an oral appliance is designed to fit like an orthodontic retainer or a sports mouth guard. It helps support the jaw in a forward position and keeps the upper airway open. If your doctor decides that oral appliance therapy is the best treatment option for you, then he or she will write you a prescription for a custom made device.

You will be referred to a qualified dentist who is trained is this mode of therapy. Currently, over 100 appliances have received approval from the FDA, meaning there is no shortage of options available to you.

Advantages of an Oral Appliance

Patients like oral appliances over other forms of treatment because they are:

  • Easy to wear

  • Comfortable

  • Portable

  • Quiet

  • Easy to care for

  • Convenient for travel

Why is Oral Appliance Therapy Better than CPAP?

While CPAP is the most common form of treatment for sleep apnea, it is also the least tolerated. Most of the patients struggle to follow CPAP directives. The majority of them also complain about dry mouth, nasal irritation, acne breakouts, sore throat, allergies, and runny nose.

If you are experiencing difficulty complying with CPAP directives, then you will be happy to know that many of the ex-CPAP users have successfully transitioned to oral appliance therapy.

How Can a Dentist Help you?

A Dentist will work very closely with your primary physician to treat sleep apnea. During your first visit, the dentist will list out the benefits of the treatment. Your doctor will also tell you about the therapy cost and the potential side effects.

This will be followed by a thorough physical examination of your jaw, teeth, and tongue, and followed up by an X-Ray of your mouth.

Making and Fitting the Appliance

With modern technology, it is possible to customize the oral appliance using physical or digital models and impressions of your teeth. The models are then sent to a lab where the appliance is made.

Once the appliance is ready, you will have to go back to the office for a fitting. The dentist will adjust the appliance for maximum comfort and effectiveness. You will also be instructed on how to clean it and maintain it properly. Once the fitting is done, you will have to return to your primary physician for sleep study to verify the success of the treatment.


Follow-up visits play a crucial role in ensuring an optimal fit of the oral appliance. They are almost always adjusted over a period of time to ensure maximum effectiveness. The dentist will schedule you for an annual assessment to ensure long-term success.

Living with the Oral Appliance

If you remain committed to the treatment and use the oral appliance before you go to sleep every night, you will find that the quality of your life improves dramatically. Not only will you be able to sleep better at night, you will also have more energy and feel sharper throughout the day.

Contact Our Office

If you’re having problems sleeping at night, it could be a sign of something more serious than you imagine. To prevent more serious complications, you should speak with an excellent doctor who can help you find a solution. Contact the Snore Experts today to learn more about sleep apnea and how you can treat it.

Posted by abet on Dec 30th, 2016 6:36 pm
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APAP Devices

APAP is an abbreviation for Automatic Positive Airway Pressure. An APAP device is used as a treatment therapy for individuals suffering from sleep apnea. APAP devices can help deliver air to your airway for inducing normal breathing patterns when you are sleeping.

It is a highly advanced non-invasive mask that is connected to an air pressure generator. The generator channels air into your wind pipe and ensures that it stays free from any obstructions while sleeping.

How Do APAP Devices Work?

APAP devices can produce and deliver a steady stream of pressurized air into your airways to prevent them from collapsing and obstructing your normal breathing cycle. Unlike other PAP machines that make use of pre-programmed air pressure, APAP devices offer an option between two different settings that can be adjusted depending on the patients needs.

Both the high range and low range settings on the machine keep fluctuating alternatively throughout the night to provide the most appropriate level of pressure to the patient. APAP devices are programmed with algorithms that can sense even the slightest of changes in your breathing patterns and adjust the air pressure accordingly.

What Are the Advantages of APAP Devices Over Other PAP Machines?

The reason behind the steady growth in the popularity of APAP devices over the regular PAP machines is their incredible versatility and their ability to adapt to the needs and requirements of each patient.

  • If in case an APAP device’s alternating setting is not suiting a patient’s needs, the device can be set to a single pressure setting as per his convenience. This implies that the APAP can act as a regular PAP as well, while the reverse is not possible.

  • APAP devices are especially effective for people who spend their nights tossing and turning in bed. Since the requirement for air varies in different sleeping postures, the fluctuating air pressure from the APAP device helps restless sleep apnea patients achieve a regulated breathing pattern throughout the night.

  • The APAP devices are also programmed to effectively monitor your air requirements during the various stages of the sleep cycle. While a regular PAP device is calibrated to deliver a fixed air pressure throughout the night, the APAP devices readily adapt to the changing respiratory patterns of the patient.

  • The self adjusting feature of APAP devices can be especially useful for sleep apnea patients who are also suffering from other respiratory conditions such as an allergy, flu, or an infection that would otherwise make the level of congestion higher than normal.

You must consult your medical practitioner before getting yourself an APAP device, as there are certain medical conditions that may not react well with its use. People with a history of obesity hypoventilation syndrome and chronic heart failure are advised to refrain from using the device.

Contact Our Office

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can have a major impact on various aspects of your life. If you feel like you’re suffering from its effects, it is important to get it diagnosed as soon as possible. Contact us to schedule a consultation with the snore experts. During your consultation, they can help diagnose your symptoms and determine if you’re a suitable candidate for an APAP.

Posted by abet on Dec 16th, 2016 7:23 pm
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Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)

Snoring is caused by a resistance in the respiratory passage. People who have a snoring problem have tissues in the throat that are loose and relaxed when lying down. When the air flows through this passage, the tissues vibrate and pose resistance to the easy flow of air, thereby creating the sound of snoring.

In cases where someone’s sleep cycle is interrupted, snoring can signify a greater health problem such as upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS). It is a milder form of a disorder known as sleep apnea. However, just because this condition is not as severe as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), it does not mean it can be ignored. If left untreated, UARS can eventually turn into OSA.

While OSA is a severe condition that greatly disrupts the sleep cycle, UARS is the gradual progress an individual makes towards OSA. As such, sleep is not affected as much as in OSA, although the person will have brief moments of waking due to breathing difficulty. UARS should be treated as soon as possible so that the person can get a full sleep cycle and steer clear from developing OSA.

How Is UARS Different from Normal Snoring?

Snoring is a common occurrence among many different types of people. The intensity of snoring differs from person to person. Because of the varying degree of intensity, snoring can often go unnoticed by you and your partner.

When the snoring becomes persistent, increases in intensity, and causes a noticeable disruption or reduction in your sleep cycle, there’s a chance that you’re developing UARS. If ignored, this will gradually progress into obstructive sleep apnea and cause further complications.

It should be noted that in many cases of UARS, the decrease in sleep quality can cause clinical consequences such as difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep and the constant feeling of sleepiness in the daytime while you’re at work or school.

Due to the increased effort in breathing, the brain automatically awakens the body. The waking moments will be brief, sometimes so brief that you may not even remember them. In such cases, you must pay attention to how refreshed you feel after each sleep cycle. If you notice that despite sleeping adequately, you are feeling sleepy, it may be an indication of UARS.

Why Should I Get Myself Treated?

The most important reason for getting your UARS treated is that it will eventually morph into a more serious condition like OSA. Obstructive sleep apnea has its own set of illnesses that come as a result of sleep deprivation, and you will want to do your best to avoid it. It can lead to heart disease and heart failure, strokes, blood pressure problems, and more.

How Can UARS Be Treated?

Treatment for UARS is not very complicated or intensive. If you think you have UARS, you should consult a physician so that the exact intensity of your condition can be determined. Based on the findings, your physician will suggest a change in sleeping practices, lifestyle changes, or other methods that can help your respiratory passage remain less obstructive while you are asleep.

You may also be referred certain dental appliances or a therapy known as CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), which can help keep your airways open. These are generally used in cases of OSA but can be given to you based on the intensity of your UARS.

Contact Our Office

Contact us to learn more about the symptoms of UARS and how to treat it. The Snore Experts will make an assessment of your condition and advise you on what steps you can take to remedy the situation.

Posted by abet on Dec 2nd, 2016 9:12 pm
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Oral Appliances for Those with CPAP Intolerance

CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. People who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are treated with CPAP therapy. In this therapy, a person will sleep wearing a mask over their nose and mouth. A machine attached to the mask will keep on supplying lightly pressurized air to the nose. The continuous flow of air will ensure that the upper airway of your throat remains open throughout and that your breathing is regular.

There are certain people who are intolerant to the CPAP therapy. The reasons for this intolerance include:

  • Leaks occurring due to improperly fitted masks

  • Claustrophobia

  • Uncomfortable masks

  • Allergies to latex, the material used for making the masks

  • Disturbed sleep due to the noise of the CPAP machine

  • Restricted movement because the mask strapped on is attached to the machine

Treating This Intolerance

CPAP intolerance can be treated by using our oral sleep appliances. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says oral sleep appliances can effectively treat low to medium cases of OSA. Our appliances can be an alternative therapy for people who have severe sleep apnea and are intolerant to CPAP therapy. The oral sleep appliance of choice will be calibrated and fitted according to each individual patient’s features by our experts.

Oral appliances are thin and flexible appliances that provide comfort from sleep apnea and snoring. These work by repositioning the tongue or the jaw forward. Due to the repositioning of the jaw or the tongue, the airways in the throat open up to enable free and clear breathing during sleeping.

Our Options

We offer an oral appliance that hooks up to the CPAP machine without the need of a mask. Masks can create indentations in the skin of a patient’s face. Without the mask, you will no longer need to worry about embarrassing marks like these. Discomfort will be a thing of the past, and latex allergies will not be an issue.

Another option is an oral appliance that makes a CPAP machine entirely unnecessary. This appliance that Dr. Greenburg invented himself is known as a TRD, a tongue-restraining device. The tongue is kept in place throughout the night, meaning that it can’t block the patient’s airway. With this option, there will be no loud machine, and your movement won’t be restricted by connection to a machine.

When you first start wearing an oral appliance, you may experience sore gums and teeth, dry mouth or excessive salivation, or a tense jaw. However, these symptoms will go away as soon as you get used to your oral appliance.

Before trying out the abovementioned alternative methods for CPAP intolerance, you should try to identify and correct the reason for intolerance. Check the masks for fitting problems, leaks, and improper pressure settings. Sometimes, proper guidance in CPAP can solve intolerance problems.

Get In Touch with Our Office

If CPAP therapy just isn’t for you, come to The Snore Experts and get one of our oral appliances! Contact our office today to arrange an appointment for a consultation so you can make snoring a thing of the past.

Posted by abet on Sep 9th, 2016 7:47 pm
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Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder that affects people when their breathing gets interrupted during sleep. A person suffering from sleep apnea stops breathing several times in their sleep, which can cause them to not receive enough oxygen.

Main Causes of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can affect anyone, from young children to older people. You can suffer from this condition if any of the following are true for you:

  • If you are obese or overweight

  • If you are a male

  • If you are over 40 years of age

  • If you have a family history of sleep apnea

  • If you have a large neck – 17 inches or more for men and 16 inches or more for women

  • If you have large tonsils or a large tongue

  • If you have small jawbones

  • If you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux or heartburn

  • If you have sinus problems, allergies, or a deviated septum that can cause nasal obstructions

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are two types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – This is the most common form of sleep apnea. It is caused by blockage of the airway when sleeping, the result of the collapsing of the soft tissue at the back of the throat.

  • Central Sleep Apnea – This type occurs when the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe. It generally occurs due to an instability in the control center of the respiratory system.

Effects of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea, if left untreated, can cause a lot of issues. On a daily basis, it can reduce your performance in everyday activities. It can also cause long-term health problems, including the following conditions:

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart attacks, heart failure, and irregular heartbeats

  • Stroke

  • Diabetes

  • Headaches

  • Depression

  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Treating Sleep Apnea

Mild cases of sleep apnea can be treated by making modifications to your lifestyle:

  • You will have to lose weight.

  • You will have to stop consuming alcohol.

  • You should avoid taking sleeping pills.

  • You should stop smoking. Smoking worsens the swelling in the upper airway, causing increased snoring.

  • You should change your sleeping position to improve your breathing. Avoid sleeping on your back, because this blocks your airway further.

Severe cases of sleep apnea can be treated by therapy or surgery:

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Therapy – This is the most common treatment for sleep apnea. In CPAP therapy, you will have to sleep wearing a mask over your nose and mouth. A machine attached to the mask will keep supplying air to the nose. The continuous flow of air will ensure that the airways are open throughout and that your breathing is regular.

  • Surgery – Nasal surgery is the most common surgery performed to correct sleep apnea. It rectifies nasal problems like a deviated septum. Mandibular maxillar advancement surgery corrects throat obstructions. Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) removes soft tissues at the back of the throat and palate to increase the width of the airway.

Learn More Today

Suffering from sleep apnea? The Snore Experts can help! To address your sleep apnea, contact us today and arrange an informative consultation .

Posted by abet on Aug 19th, 2016 8:08 pm
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Help Your Partner by Fixing Your Snoring

A good night’s rest is a crucial part of having a successful day. With too little sleep or restless sleep, the mind has trouble focusing and concentrating, the body is lethargic, and your performance at work and at home suffers. One major contributing factor to bad sleep can be a partner who snores loudly.

If you know that you snore, even if you don’t feel like it’s negatively affecting your own ability to rest, what does it mean for your partner? Oftentimes, a loved one would rather suffer in silence than cause an awkward conversation to address your snoring problem.

Even though he or she won’t necessarily say anything to you, if you’ve noticed signs of sleep deprivation then you owe it to your partner to get help from the Snore Experts.

Make sure your beloved is getting the good sleep they need to thrive. Contact the Snore Experts today to schedule your consultation .

Posted by abet on Apr 30th, 2016 7:08 am
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When the CPAP Machine Doesn’t Work for You

The CPAP machine can be an incredible tool to help people with snoring or sleep apnea issues, but it isn’t for everybody. Some people can’t sleep through the noise, while others are uncomfortable with the feeling of the masks on their face. If you want to get off the CPAP machine or can’t tolerate using it, The Snore Experts can help.

One of the options is a revolutionary appliance that Dr. Jonathan Greenburg invented. It keeps the tongue from falling back and blocking the airway, which is one of the most common causes of snoring and sleep apnea.

If you’re tired of the machine, contact us today to schedule your free consultation. Learn everything you need to know and all of your treatment options from The Snore Experts. Better sleep is waiting for you.

Posted by abet on Apr 29th, 2016 7:12 am
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Sleep Apnea Care – Los Angeles Sleep Center

A large tongue with a small mouth can create blockage of the airways during sleep. This can lead to snoring and sleep apnea. Fortunately, there are many strategies for sleep apnea care that can help you find relief and a good night’s rest.

Sleep apnea is usually much worse when you are sleeping on your back. One of the biggest risk factors with sleep apnea is that the tongue can slip back into the throat and block oxygen for a very long time, sometimes as long as ninety seconds.

Partial blockage is what leads to the noise of snoring. A complete blockage is sleep apnea. Consult with us, The Snore Experts, to learn more about sleep apnea care. Contact us to schedule a consultation.

Posted by abet on Mar 28th, 2016 10:15 pm
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Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) is considered by many the gold standard for the treatment of sleep apnea, especially for very severe cases. The CPAP and APAP machines are designed to increase air pressure going through the throat. This prevents the airway from collapsing during inhalation. At Snore Experts, we have helped countless patients get a good night’s rest using CPAP treatments to treat their sleep apnea. The goal of positive airway pressure is to keep the airway from collapsing using air pressure.